Student Send-Off

The Great River Tigers Alumni Association held their 9th annual Student Send-Off on July 24th, 2021 at Jackson Park Golf Course in Palmyra, Mo.

This year GRT gave away 11 $500 scholarships by luck of the draw.  GRT has already awarded this year $13,000 dollars in merit scholarships to 10 students from our area Over the past 9 years, GRT has awarded over $83,000 to 81 students.

This year GRT was honored to have as their speaker Dr. Bill Stackman, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs on the UMC campus.  Stackman joined the university in 2019 coming from he University of Notre Dame, where he served as associate vice president for student services.

$1000 Merit scholarships   Sponsors $500 Luck of the Draw Scholarships  Sponsors
Kelsey Duke Mizzou Alumni 4 year Renewable Scholarship Victoria Singh Rachel Bringer Sheppard
Sam Wheeler Lew Mar Foundation Scholarship Kaden Malone Jared and Gina Pontius
Elizabeth Trower Chuck and Ina Rae Brazeale Scholarship Victoria Bickhaus Fiddlesticks
Grace Krigbaum Ron Dedert Scholarship Evan Wallace Disselhorst Family in memory of Troy Disselhorst
Riley Quinn GRT Scholarship Matthew Nussbaum Jerry and Carla Schoeborn
Leah Jennings GRT Scholarship Logan Bower Schmiediskamp, Robertson, Neu, &Miller Law Firm
Emma Deien GRT Scholarship Brady Barnett Greg Sharpe Seed
Kyle Rademan GRT Scholarship Janine Jamoner Mike and Kristine Bickhaus
Blake Hays GRT Scholarship Charlie Vitt Gary and Kathy Fesler
Delaney Miller GRT Scholarship Scarlett Burton Fretwell and Associate Real Estate
Mason Burch Al and Linda Kennett


Kelsey Duke

Elizabeth Trower

Sam Wheeler




Virtual Student Send-Off July 23

Due to the COVID-19 virus, the summer event was held virtually on Zoom  this year on Thursday, July 23.  Forty-five Mizzou students in the GRT area participated in the Send-Off along with GRT board members, donors, and parents..  Ken Disselhorst and his daughter Quinn drew the ten lucky winners.  Ten students received $500 scholarships.  Sara Bockhold also announced the winners of the $1000 merit scholarships.  This was the first year for the Ron Dedert Memorial Scholarship.  Ron was a founder of the Great River Chapter and passed away earlier this year.  The chapter decided to give a scholarship in his memory.  Listed below are all the winners..  This is the 8th year GRT has given away scholarships and in those 8 years has given away $83,000 !

                              $1000 Merit Scholarships                     $500 Luck of the Draw Scholarships
        Incoming Student                Sponsor                Student                Sponsor
  Amy Bryan MAA 4 yr $1000 renewable     Scot Roberts  Troy Disselhorst Memorial
  Faith Boylen  Ron Dedert Memorial     Emily Dehner   Fiddlesticks
  Ashlyn Eisele   GRT    Nathan Schutte  Jerry and Carl Schoenborn
  Emma Deien   GRT    Delanie Fohey   Jared and Gina Pontius
   Keller Shemwell   Rachel Bringer Shepherd
  Returning Student    Sponsor    Kaden Malone  Schmiedeskamp, Robertson                 Neu,& Mitchel
   Delaney Miller  GRT
   Aubry Boulware  GRT    Hanna Deien     GRT
   Kasen Rademan     GRT
  Maggie Schutte     GRT
  Shayna Young      GRT

The Send-Off this year was emceed by Morgan Kopitsky, liason from the MAA office.  Two current students presented information about True Tiger, which is the student alumni association.  They talked about the benefits and cost of belonging to this organization.  A game of Trivia was played by the students and students were put into rooms so they could get to know each other.

Women’s Head Basketball Coach Robin Pingeton was a surprise guest along with Jordan Frericks.

2019 Back to School Send-Off


The Great River Tigers Alumni Association sponsored their 7th annual Student Send-Off on July 26th, 2019 at Jackson Park Golf Course in Palmyra, Mo..  One hundred and eighty eight people were in attendance including 45 students.

Dean Daubert, vice chancellor and Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, was the guest speaker. Chancellor Alexander Cartwright and his wife Melinda also attended the event.  Chancellor Cartwright spoke to the crowd about his goals for the university since he took over the job two years ago..

Jordan Frericks and her family attended the event again this year.  Jordan spoke about her year since graduating from the university and being a member of the girls’ basketball team.  Last year she spent playing basketball in Germany..

Earlier in the year seven merit scholarships were awarded by the GRT.  These students were given a certificate and introduced to the crowd.  Ten names were drawn at random  and 10 $500 scholarships were awarded.

$1000 Merit Scholarships $500 Luck of the Draw Scholarships
Incoming Students Sponsor Student  Sponsor
Garret Catron  MAA 4 year renewable Adam Albright Rachel Bringer-Shepherd
Lauryn Hinthorne  GRT Scot Roberts and Kyler Rademan Troy Disselhorst
Della Rodenbaugh  GRT Aubry Boulware Jerry and Carla Schoenborn
Maddie Janes  GRT Suzanne Wetton County Market
Returning Students  Sponsor  Emily Dehner Fiddlesticks
Madison Kim  GRT  Nolan Wasman Schmiedeskamp, Robertson, Neu, and Mitchell
Abby Laws  GRT Olivia Foreman Jared and Gina Pontius
Keller Shewell  Lew Mar Kale Flaspohler GRT
Trevor Stratton GRT

Deam Daubert and members of the GRT helped serve the pork loin dinner.

GRT had several ways to raise money.  These included a signed football which was auctioned off, and selling tickets for a Mizzou firepit and football tickets to the Mississippi game.





2018 Summer Send Off

On July 21, 2018, the Great River Tigers Alumni Association hosted its sixth annual summer sendoff at Jackson Park Golf Course in Palmyra, Missouri..  Two hundred and twenty people were in attendance which included 46 Mizzou students.  This was the biggest attendance in our 6 years of sponsoring the event.  GRT presented a local award  to Golden Eagle Distributing in appreciation for all the help and support they have given us over the years


During the evening,the alumni association gave eight  $500 scholarships by luck of the draw to students who were present. These students were Cassie Hancock, Josh Arnold, Delanie Fohey, Amy Jones, Tanner Nix, Jessica Taylor, Emily Albright, and Abbey Laws.  Dr Choi gave 4 additional $500 scholarships to Shelby Epperson, Halley Carr, Rachel Meyers and Lauren Bauer.  The  association also gives away scholarships to students for academic merit.  The students who received $1000 scholarships included: Emily Dehner, Regan Ragsdale, Gavin Booth, Barley Kozlowski, all incoming freshman and Allison Pearl and Andrew Fauble, current students.  This year in total the GRT presented scholarships to 18 Mizzou students worth a total of $12,000.

Jordan Frericks, former Mizzou girls basketball player from Quincy,  and her parents attended, and Jordan spoke briefly to the crowd.

Dr. Mun Choi, who has been president of the entire University of Missouri system for two years, was the speaker. He discussed the tough situation that he came into 1.5 years ago, some of the changes that have been made, the improved relationships we now have in Jefferson City, the record % increase we have seen in enrollment for the coming fall semester and what we can expect again next year.  Then he turned to the students and challenged them to do well and stressed how important being good students would be to the rest of their life and pointed out challenges they will face.

Dr. Choi and Todd McCubbin,executive director for the University of Missouri Alumni Association and the associate vice chancellor of alumni relations for the University of Missouri,as well as GRT members helped serve the pork chop dinner to those attending.







Student Send Off

The Great River Tigers Alumni Association held their 5th annual Student Send-Off event in Palmyra at the Jackson Park Golf course on July 28, 2017.  The chapter presented an award of appreciation to the Jackson Park Golf Course for their support over the last five years.   We had 180 in attendance.  Thirty new and returning students were in attendance and vied for the $500 scholarships that the chapter gave out that night.  Five lucky students received scholarships..

Jim Sterk, Mizzou athletic director, was the speaker for the evening.   He and Nick Joos helped serve the pork chop dinner.  Angie Hamlin, our new volunteer leader, helped register the students for the event.



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