Al Kennett, GRT chapter board member attended Mizzou Legislative Appreciation Day April 17 at the Missouri State Capital. This event was held by the University of Missouri to thank state members of the Missouri House and Senate for their support of Higher Education and the University of Missouri. Those attending represented the University System; University of Missouri, Columbia; Mizzou Alumni Association, and University Extension. Al had the chance while we was there to visit with Representatives and Senators from our GRT region counties as well as several others. A small token of our appreciation was presented to each, and they were invited to attend a reception where Tiger Stripe ice cream was served.
Also, they were invited to attend a new conference held Tuesday afternoon in the Capital by University System President Mun Choi where he released the results of an Economic Study that the University had done which showed that the four campus University Systems and University Extension have a $5.4 Billion impact on the State of Missouri.