On April 6, 2022, the GRT Board had a Zoom meeting . The board discussed::
- The Summer Send-Off will be July 23, 2022 at the golf course in Palmyra, Mo.
- GRT will also be incorporating the Missouri Go Home Tour into our Summer Event
- The Athletic Department will send a coach to speak at our event. We will know who when we get closer to the event
- Donors were discussed and who would contact them. Checks will need to be sent to Jerry or deposited in the bank in Hannibal and the deposit sent to Jerry.
- Al will be checking into renting the tent.
- Morgan Kopitsky attended our meeting by Zoom. She helped us figure out if we had met all of our requirements for Columns and Capstone.
- The new scholarship picks were announced to our group.
- Ken Disselhorst will be our nominee for an MAA Award and McKenzie and Al will be responsible for getting that written and submitted.