$1000 Merit Scholarships
Incoming Students
From left to right -MAA 4 year renewable scholarship being presented by Al Kennett to Alondra Martin, Hannibal,MO; the Chuck and Ina Rae Brazeale Scholarship being present by Chuck to Adelynn Palmer, Center, MO; and the Ron and Mary Jo Deters Scholarship is being presented by Al Kennett to Isabella Bickhaus
A GRT Scholarship is being presented by Al Kennett to Michael Hark, Hannibal. MO, and other GRT scholarship winners not pictured include Rose McKim, Hannibal, MO; and Summer Ramsey, Carthage, IL.
Returning Students
From left to right-the Lew Mar Foundation Scholarship is being presented by Al Kennett to Corder Lehenbauer, Palmyra, MO; a GRT Scholarship is being presented to Alexis Lloyd, Monroe City, MO by Al Kennett, and the Jerry and Carla Schoenborn Endowment is being presented by Jerry and Carla to Zoe Porter, Canton, MO.
A GRT Scholarship is being presented to Ryan Turnbull, Quincy, IL by Al Kennett and not pictured winning a GRT Scholarship is Abby Springer, Pittsfield, IL.
$500 Luck of the Draw Winners
From left to right-A scholarship sponsored by Fiddlesticks is being presented by Al Kennett to Carlee Long from Paris, MO; a scholarship by Fretwell & Associates Real Estate is being presented to Preston Eckler, Center, MO by and a scholarship in memory of Troy Disselhorst is being presented by Emily Disselhorst to Caleb Juette, Palmyra, MO.
From left to right-The Gary and Cathy Fesler Scholarship is being presented by Cathy Fesler to Conner Echler, Center, MO; the Al and Linda Kennett Scholarship is being presented to Bailey Dean, Quincy,IL by Al Kennett; and the Greg Sharpe, Sharpe Seeds Scholarship is being presented to Chase Golddanger, Palymyra, MO by Ken Disselhorst.
From left to right-the Jared and Gina Pontius Scholarship is being presented to Addison Zanger, Quincy, IL by Al Kennett; the Richard and Linda Syrcle Scholarship is being presented by Richard and Linda to Jose Juarez, Palmyra, MO; and the Rex and Roger Nelson Scholarship is being presented by Rex and Roger to Tucker Bobbette, Laddonia,MO.
Left to right-the Jerry and Carla Schoenborn Scholarship is being presented by Jerry and Carla to Bronson Juette, Palmyra, MO; the Judge Rachel Bringer Shepherd Scholarship is being presented by Rachel to Ian McAffee from Springfield, IL; and the Mac and Pam Wilt Scholarship is being presented by Mac to Kaden Malone, Palmyra, MO.
From left to right-The US Wellness Meats Scholarship is being presented by Jennifer Wood to Cole Herman;,Quincy, IL; the Schmiedeskamp, Robertson, New, & Mitchel Scholarship is being presented by John Longlett and Mike Bickhaus to Jon Lundberg Palmyra, MO; and the Carolyn Henry Scholarship is being presented by Carolyn to Cooper Hinkle,Taylor, MO.